- Brant (22 Mar) Morning Hawk Watch
- Canada Goose (02 Jan)
- Wood Duck (02 May) BS Resort
- Gadwall (21 Nov) BS Resort
- American Wigeon (01 Jan)
- Mallard (01 Jan)
- Blue-winged Teal (09 Jan)
- Cinnamon Teal (26 Jan)
- Northern Shoveler (11 Jan)
- Green-winged Teal (02 Feb)
- Canvasback (02 Feb)
- Redhead (02 Jan)
- Ring-necked Duck (02 Jan)
- Lesser Scaup (22 Jan) *
- Surf Scoter (16 Mar) BS Resort *
- Bufflehead (28 Jan)
- Hooded Merganser (02 Jan)
- Ruddy Duck (02 Jan)
- Wild Turkey (15 Dec) Roadrunner Tree Farm, CBC
- Mountain Quail (30 Mar) Big Spring Trail
- California Quail (05 Jan)
- Gambel's Quail (18 Feb)
- Pied-billed Grebe (02 Jan)
- Western Grebe (02 Nov) Roadrunner Club *
- Laysan Albatross (24 Dec) deceased, found in Narrows Earth Trail *
- Blue-footed Booby (11 Sep) Borrego Springs Rd
- American White Pelican (21 Oct) BS Resort
- Brown Pelican (04 Aug) Flyover Country Club Dr
- Double-crested Cormorant (16 Mar) BS Resort
- American Bittern (15 May) Borrego yard bird *
- Great Blue Heron (05 Jan)
- Great Egret (01 Jan)
- Snowy Egret (02 Jan)
- Cattle Egret (02 Jan
- Green Heron (28 Mar) De Anza CC
- Black-crowned Night Heron (02 Jan)
- White-faced Ibis (17 Apr) BS Resort
- Turkey Vulture (07 Jan)
- Northern Harrier (26 Feb)
- Osprey (23 Feb)
- White-tailed Kite (06 Mar)
- Sharp-shinned Hawk (05 Jan)
- Cooper's Hawk (02 Jan)
- Red-shouldered Hawk (03 Aug) Borrego citrus grove
- Swainson's Hawk (08 Feb)
- Red-tailed Hawk (01 Jan)
- Rough-legged Hawk (23 Mar) Morning Hawk Watch *
- Golden Eagle (25 Feb)
- American Kestrel (02 Jan)
- Merlin (05 Jan)
- Peregrine Falcon (15 Mar) Morning Hawk Watch
- Prairie Falcon (05 Jan)
- Virginia Rail (17 Apr) BS Resort
- Sora (05 Jan) Settling Ponds
- American Coot (02 Jan)
- Killdeer (02 Jan)
- Spotted Sandpiper (17 Apr) BS Resort
- Solitary Sandpiper (04 Apr) Settling Ponds
- Greater Yellowlegs (01 Apr) Settling Ponds
- Long-billed Curlew (15 Apr) Morning Hawk Watch *
- Least Sandpiper (07 Apr) Settling Ponds
- Long-billed Dowitcher (25 Mar) The Springs
- Wilson's Snipe (07 Mar)
- Wilson's Phalarope (10 Oct) Ram's Hill *
- Bonaparte's Gull (22 Jan) BS Resort
- Ring-billed Gull (22 Nov) Christmas Circle
- Rock Pigeon (01 Jan)
- Eurasian Collared-Dove (01 Jan)
- White-winged Dove (01 Jan)
- Mourning Dove (01 Jan)
- Inca Dove (15 Dec) Roadrunner Club, CBC *
- Common Ground-Dove (02 Jan)
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo (09 Jul) Coyote Canyon *
- Greater Roadrunner (06 Jan)
- Barn Owl (14 Jan)
- Great Horned Owl (02 Jan)
- Burrowing Owl (02 Jan)
- Long-eared Owl (mid-Feb)
- Lesser Nighthawk (25 Mar) Evening Hawk Watch
- White-throated Swift (24 Feb)
- Broad-billed Hummingbird (15 Nov) Borrego yard bird *
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (19 Mar) Tamarisk Grove
- Anna's Hummingbird (01 Jan)
- Costa's Hummingbird (01 Jan)
- Rufous Hummingbird (05 Mar) Borrego yard bird
- Belted Kingfisher (02 Jan)
- Red-naped Sapsucker (15 Dec) De Anza CC, CBC
- Red-breasted Sapsucker (15 Dec) De Anza CC, CBC
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker (02 Mar)
- Nuttall's Woodpecker (06 Jan)
- Northern Flicker (06 Jan)
- Western Wood-Pewee (05 Apr) Tamarisk Grove
- Hammond's Flycatcher (02 Apr) Borrego yard bird
- Gray Flycatcher (20 Jan)
- Pacific-slope Flycatcher (20 Mar) Tamarisk Grove
- Black Phoebe (02 Jan)
- Say's Phoebe (02 Jan)
- Vermilion Flycatcher (02 Jan)
- Ash-throated Flycatcher (30 Mar) Borrego yard bird
- Brown-crested Flycatcher (09 May) Roadrunner Club
- Western Kingbird (14 Mar) Tamarisk Grove
- Loggerhead Shrike (04 Jan)
- Least Bell's Vireo (24 Apr) Lower Sentenac
- Plumbeous Vireo (16 Mar) Roadrunner Club
- Warbling Vireo (16 Mar) Roadrunner Club
- Western Scrub-Jay (13 Jan)
- American Crow (06 Jan)
- Common Raven (01 Jan)
- Horned Lark (13 Dec) BS Resort
- Tree Swallow (17 Feb)
- Violet-green Swallow (19 Feb)
- Northern-rough Winged Swallow (20 Feb)
- Cliff Swallow (19 Mar) Tamarisk Grove
- Barn Swallow (18 Feb)
- Mountain Chickadee (15 Dec) De Anza CC, CBC *
- Oak Titmouse (17 Mar) Yaqui Well
- Verdin (01 Jan)
- Bushtit (02 Jan)
- Red-breasted Nuthatch (02 Jan)
- White-breasted Nuthatch (04 Jan)
- Brown Creeper (23 Jan)
- Cactus Wren (01 Jan)
- Rock Wren (07 Jan)
- Canyon Wren (10 Jan)
- Bewick's Wren (05 Jan)
- House Wren (05 Jan)
- Marsh Wren (02 Jan)
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet (02 Jan)
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (05 Jan)
- Black-tailed Gnatcatcher (05 Jan)
- Western Bluebird (01 Jan)
- Mountain Bluebird (06 Mar)
- Swainson's Thrush (05 May) BS Resort
- Hermit Thrush (07 Jan)
- American Robin (10 Jan)
- Varied Thrush (18 Mar) Tamarisk Grove *
- Wrentit (13 Jan)
- Gray Catbird (31 Oct) Borrego yard bird *
- Northern Mockingbird (01 Jan)
- Sage Thrasher (21 Jan)
- California Thrasher (27 Jan)
- Crissal Thrasher (16 Feb)
- Le Conte's Thrasher (21 Jan)
- European Starling (01 Jan)
- American Pipit (05 Jan)
- Cedar Waxwing (13 Oct) Roadrunner Club
- Phainopepla (02 Jan)
- Orange-crowned Warbler (01 Jan)
- Nashville Warbler (27 Mar) The Springs
- Lucy's Warbler (16 Mar) Off Yaqui Pass Rd, NE
- Yellow Warbler (14 Apr) Settling Ponds
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (01 Jan)
- Black-throated Gray Warbler (28 Mar) De Anza CC
- Townsend's Warbler (07 May) De Anza CC
- American Redstart (17 Nov) Tamarisk Grove *
- Kentucky Warbler (08 Sep) Tamarisk Grove *
- MacGillivray's Warbler (31 Mar) Borrego yard bird
- Common Yellowthroat (02 Jan)
- Wilson's Warbler (11 Mar) Borrego Palm Canyon
- Summer Tanager (13 May) Lower Willows
- Western Tanager (08 Apr) Palm Canyon Resort
- Green-tailed Towhee (13 Apr) Borrego yard bird
- Spotted Towhee (16 Mar) Tamarisk Grove
- California Towhee (27 Jan)
- Chipping Sparrow (23 Jan)
- Brewer's Sparrow (18 Feb)
- Vesper Sparrow (01 Oct) Settling Ponds
- Lark Sparrow (03 Jan)
- Black-throated Sparrow (05 Jan)
- Bell's/Sagebrush Sparrow (15 Dec) North Mesquite, CBC
- Savannah Sparrow (02 Jan)
- Le Conte's Sparrow (25 Oct) BS Resort *
- Fox Sparrow (01 Oct) Borrego yard bird *
- Song Sparrow (02 Jan)
- Lincoln's Sparrow (05 Jan)
- Harris's Sparrow (26 Jan) Borrego yard bird
- White-crowned Sparrow (01 Jan)
- Golden-crowned Sparrow (15 Dec) Roadrunner Club, CBC
- Lapland Longspur (23 Apr) BS Resort *
- Dark-eyed Junco (07 Jan)
- Black-headed Grosbeak (05 Apr) Tamarisk Grove
- Blue Grosbeak (13 May) ?Lower Willows
- Lazuli Bunting (08 Apr) Palms at Indian Head
- Bobolink (02 Oct) Settling Ponds *
- Red-winged Blackbird (02 Jan)
- Tri-colored Blackbird (22 Mar) Borrego yard bird
- Western Meadowlark (14 Jan)
- Yellow-headed Blackbird (07 Apr) Settling Ponds
- Brewer's Blackbird (02 Jan)
- Great-tailed Grackle (02 Jan)
- Bronzed Cowbird (19 May) The Springs *
- Brown-headed Cowbird (20 Jan)
- Hooded Oriole (20 Feb) Club Circle
- Bullock's Oriole (26 Mar) Club Circle
- Scott's Oriole (08 Jan)
- House Finch (01 Jan)
- Lesser Goldfinch (01 Jan)
- Lawrence's Goldfinch (28 Feb)
- House Sparrow (03 Jan)
Additional observations were made by: Barbara Carlson, Janene Colby, Chris Duthie, John and Hilda Flamholtz, Jim Fuller, Steve and Theresa Graham, Gary Hilton, Llouise Jee, Paul Lehman, Bob Miller, Anne Reilly, Inga Schmidt, Sue Smith, BJ Stacey, Craig Swolgaard, Susan Wells and Christopher Charlesworth
*New to collective list this year